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Friday, May 23, 2008

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Domain name warehousing is the act of a domain name register obtaining control of any and all domains with the intent to hold or warehouse the names for their own use or profit (making a buck).

InterWorx-CP by Nexcess

Sun, 13 Mar 2005 00:00:00 EST
NEXCESS.NET began as simply a Web hosting provider, founded on the extensive software engineering knowledge of its staff, but the company soon found that it had developed so much qualiity software internally...

Free Download: Download Your Free Copy of My Best of the Web Hosting Show Guides eBook!
Mitch Keeler - like this? visit | |

I really do appreciate you listening to episode 148, and this week we have tons a various content on board and ready to go so that you too can learn to become a better web hosting guru. From experts to novices, everybody is welcome because I think all can get something out of today’s broadcast.

Bluehost review after 14 months hosted

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 19:15:14 +0000
This bluehost review site had been hosted with bluehost web hosting since 14 months ago. Over this 14 months of bluehost reviews, i had posted over 85 review articles and covering most of bluehost hosting features, bluehost uptime, bluehost server speed test, bluehost support, and anything else
This is my personal bluehost hosted site, ...]

What is your impression of the current site design?

How to Sell Your Hosting Company - Episode 149

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:00:31 +0000
These are some questions for the web hosts out there. Are you ready to retire? Want to get out of the web hosting game to do something else? Well there are a lot of legal loopholes and dotted lines that need tending to first.
How does one sell their web hosting company? I’ve ...]

Inside Web Hosting Reviews - Episode 152

Mon, 12 May 2008 10:00:32 +0000
On today’s special edition of the Web Hosting Show we have in the studio Emory Rowland of Emory has been an insider in both the web hosting and web development worlds for a long time - so there are many topics I would like to pick his brain about. Today though we ...]

Recommended host gator coupons Items

I have been a dreamhost client for 4 years now and I agree with the reviews
under me about their service entering dangerous waters as of late. No doubt that
their plans are some of the best (and very affordable for those who want quality
but are a little stingy in their spending) to be found, along with their '97
dollars for every refferal' program.

I have been reading on their site about numerous server upgrades and outages
too, but they seem to be getting back on their feet (although it seems that
every sever outage has been on a server that I am not hosted on...) and I won't
be suprised if they explode with popularity due to their kind and personal
staff, as well as their upbeat employee-owned company ideals.

I highly reccommend them for a personal site, however if you are a company who
can't afford one second of downtime, I suggest waiting a few months untill they
are done upgrading their servers.

All in all, I'll never leave dreamhost.

Click Here to go to dreamhost website.

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