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Friday, May 23, 2008

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Domain name warehousing is the act of a domain name register obtaining control of any and all domains with the intent to hold or warehouse the names for their own use or profit (making a buck).

InterWorx-CP by Nexcess

Sun, 13 Mar 2005 00:00:00 EST
NEXCESS.NET began as simply a Web hosting provider, founded on the extensive software engineering knowledge of its staff, but the company soon found that it had developed so much qualiity software internally...

Free Download: Download Your Free Copy of My Best of the Web Hosting Show Guides eBook!
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I really do appreciate you listening to episode 148, and this week we have tons a various content on board and ready to go so that you too can learn to become a better web hosting guru. From experts to novices, everybody is welcome because I think all can get something out of today’s broadcast.

Bluehost review after 14 months hosted

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 19:15:14 +0000
This bluehost review site had been hosted with bluehost web hosting since 14 months ago. Over this 14 months of bluehost reviews, i had posted over 85 review articles and covering most of bluehost hosting features, bluehost uptime, bluehost server speed test, bluehost support, and anything else
This is my personal bluehost hosted site, ...]

What is your impression of the current site design?

How to Sell Your Hosting Company - Episode 149

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:00:31 +0000
These are some questions for the web hosts out there. Are you ready to retire? Want to get out of the web hosting game to do something else? Well there are a lot of legal loopholes and dotted lines that need tending to first.
How does one sell their web hosting company? I’ve ...]

Inside Web Hosting Reviews - Episode 152

Mon, 12 May 2008 10:00:32 +0000
On today’s special edition of the Web Hosting Show we have in the studio Emory Rowland of Emory has been an insider in both the web hosting and web development worlds for a long time - so there are many topics I would like to pick his brain about. Today though we ...]

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I have been a dreamhost client for 4 years now and I agree with the reviews
under me about their service entering dangerous waters as of late. No doubt that
their plans are some of the best (and very affordable for those who want quality
but are a little stingy in their spending) to be found, along with their '97
dollars for every refferal' program.

I have been reading on their site about numerous server upgrades and outages
too, but they seem to be getting back on their feet (although it seems that
every sever outage has been on a server that I am not hosted on...) and I won't
be suprised if they explode with popularity due to their kind and personal
staff, as well as their upbeat employee-owned company ideals.

I highly reccommend them for a personal site, however if you are a company who
can't afford one second of downtime, I suggest waiting a few months untill they
are done upgrading their servers.

All in all, I'll never leave dreamhost.

Click Here to go to dreamhost website.

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A web hosting forum Artilce for Your Viewing

Document about web hosting forum

Are We Running Out of Storage Space? IDC is Concerned, but Maxell Says Never Fear

Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:15:00 -0400

I learned about the IDC storage paradox on Zoli Erdos' blog. Zoli mentions this Associated Press article, which cites IDC's estimate that "the world had 185 exabytes of storage available last year and will have 601 exabytes in 2010. But the amount of stuff generated is expected to jump from 161 exabytes last year to 988 exabytes in 2010".

Even more alarmingly, Dan Farber over at ZDNet reports that according to IBM, "the world's information base will be doubling in size every 11 hours" by 2010. Does this mean that on Jan 1, 2011, our 988 exabytes of data will double to 1,976 exabytes by 11am, and 3,952 exabytes by 10pm?

Fortunately, we don't need permanent storage for all the data we generate. For instance, spam accounted for just 8% of all emails in 2001 (said CNet); its volume rose to 36% by 2002 and 66% by 2004 (MSNBC), and is expected to exceed 90% by the end of this year (IT News). That's a huge amount of data that isn't being saved.

Still, Rich D'Ambrise from Maxell says he expects significant growth in data archiving requirements: in 2007, we will back up 75% more data than we did in 2006. But unlike IDC analyst John Gantz, he's not concerned that we'll run out of space. The storage industry is not standing still. Maxell, for instance, is beta testing 300 GB holographic disks that are no bigger than a DVD, but offer 63x more capacity. 800 GB second generation disks should be on the market by next year, and a 1.6 TB version is planned for 2010. And let's not forget stacked volumetric optical discs (SVOD); each 92-micrometer layer stores up to 9.4 GB. Available storage capacity will absolutely keep up with demand; no question about that!

The real issue is, will we store our zettabytes of data on- or offline? Rich is betting on removable media; he'd rather have mission critical data in his own possession than depend on any service provider. Zoli, on the other hand, says online is more efficient. By sharing/linking to files, we won't each need space for our own copies of the same content. Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz says offline storage is greener ("when data's at rest, it consumes no electricity") - and easier to transport on a large scale. (As the New Yorker points out, if you made tiny chariots with DVD wheels and hitched them to snails, you'd get faster data transfer speeds than DSL.)

So, what's this got to do with web hosting? For one, you should probably monitor your oversold disk space closely. At the moment, I'm sure hardly any of GoDaddy's $7 hosting customers are using their entire 100 GB quota. But if you consider Rich's 75% growth projection, the number of customers that same 100 GB is allocated to may have to come down.

PS - Here's a GigaOM post on a 10 more fun storage facts.

Wouldn't It Be Great If There Were a ModernBill/StatCounter Mashup?

Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:57:00 -0400

Over the past decade, I've bought and sold many millions worth of online ads. When I ran ISPcheck, I had no real answer for prospective advertisers who wanted to know what results my customers were able to achieve. And when I became responsible for RackShack/EV1's ad buys, I found that there was no easy way to measure ROI.

All I wanted to know at the time was how many visitors from TopHosts versus TheWHIR signed up. But as I've subsequently learned from Ted Smith at Peer 1, I should have been tracking customers throughout their lifecycle. If my cost per sale from Site A is 20% less than Site B, but the average account gets canceled 50% sooner, B would be a better long term investment.

A couple of weeks ago I convinced Ben Gabler at HostNine to install StatCounter, the better to look up new customers and find out where they came from, and which parts of HostNine's website they visited before deciding to sign up. (I've also used Clicktracks and Google Analytics, which provide aggregated data on visitor behavior, but don't allow you to drill down to each visitor's click path.) It just occur to me that it'd be very cool if this functionality were built into ModernBill.

Imagine being able to generate sales reports that tabulate order amounts against referring sources? Or pinpoint content on your site that's most-viewed by your most profitable new customers? Better yet, what if you could instantly compute the lifetime ROI from those $20 Google Adwords bids? Wouldn't you like to know if customers who clicked on your "cPanel hosting" ad stick around 3x longer than those who came through "cheap hosting"?

HostNine already gives all of its resellers free ModernBill licenses, and being able to automate signup/provisioning is awesome. But what if every $19.95 hosting plan came with a business intelligence system that delivers up-to-the-minute knowledge on what website copy and ad venues work? Wouldn't that be something?

AND, what if ModernBill could collect and publish aggregate, industry-wide data on how profitable TopHost-referred customers are, relative to those who came through TheWHIR? Having been on both sides of the table, I think that would really help both ad salespeople and media buyers.

Thus a web hosting site that pretends that all is well until they become successful would be possibly leaving themselves open to a hacker.

theWHIR attends Parallels Summit 2008

Thu, 15 May 2008 23:28:00 -0500

May 19th and 20th is the highly anticipated Parallels Summit 2008. The 2008 event will focus on SaaS, Hosting, Virtualization, Automation and Green Computing. theWHIR team along with WHIR TV will be present and we are pleased to be sponsoring the Networking Lounge. A spacious and inviting networking space complete with wireless internet access and refreshments.

It is our pleasure to help facilitate important connections in the WHIR Networking Lounge and we hope to create the perfect environment for such connections. Feel free to reach out to theWHIR team as you visit the lounge, we will have our May Green Issue of WHIR Magazine on hand.

You will also have a chance to win 1 of 2 8GB iPod Nano's that we will give away on each day of the event, in celebration of our 8th Year of Excellence. Stop by our table located in the WHIR Networking Lounge and leave your business card for a chance to win.

We look forward to seeing you bright and early Monday morning in Washington, DC. If you have not yet registered for the event you can do so here.

Customer Loyalty for Web Hosts

Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:00:00 EST
Loyal customers are the foundation of almost every business. Going the extra mile to provide outstanding customer service is the first step to customer loyalty. But there is more.

Picture 373

Wed, 21 May 2008 14:52:17 -0800 posted a photo:

Picture 373

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The hosting service works fine, although we have a very low volume of traffic
(less then 500mb a month). Unfortunately, from time to time, every few days, our
email would stop arriving. We wouldn't actually loose any mail, but email would
be delayed by as much as an hour sometimes. We complained about this to
ixwebhosting a few times through their online live chat help. No resolution
came, even though I even contacted them at the moment when our email was NOT
working - so they could experience the problem as well during 'live chat' help.
Later I recieved an email saying that they tested our email, and that we have no
problem and that ticket has been 'resolved' (not!). Just like every previous
time. They know it is an intermittent problem and they check once in a blue moon
and based on that conclude that everything is fine. So email problems stay
unresolved. Too bad, it seemed like a good deal and a good place for one's
hosting needs.

Click Here to go to ixwebhosting

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Website hosting nowsadays is very competitive. Many web hosting companies offer
tonnes of features at very competitive prices. With so many choices in mind, how
do you choose the right host? I have tried many hosts over the years and finally
landed on one that I feel has the most complete features that I need at the best
possible price, ie BlueHost.


BlueHost provides hosting features that surpass the needs of large commercial

10 Gigabyte Hosting Space

Host 6 Domains on 1 Account!!!

2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts

250 GIGS of Transfer

SSL, FTP, Stats


2000/2002/2003 Front Page Extensions

Free Domain Forever!

Superb/Responsive Support Engineers

Reliability and Performance

So far, I have no problems with the speed and reliability of the server. Most of
my sites hosted by them were never down. If you have google toolbar installed,
just take a look at their page rank. has a page rank of 8 which is
rare for a web hosting company. This just shows how popular they are in the web.
If you look at their awards page, you will realized that they have a long
history of awards. This is a plus point because it shows that they care about
their customers and more importantly, their performance is consistent.


They have a good support section in the website. Based on my experience, most of
their emails are answered within 2 working days. Though not the fastest around,
their replies are honest and professional. Some hosts will answer you in such a
way that you need to pay them more money to get your problems solved.


In conclusion, BlueHost offers quality and reliable hosting for $6.95 a month
with no hidden charges. With generous disk space and bandwidth, it is unlikely
that you will exceed the quota every month. The many good reviews of BlueHost in
the web speaks for itself.

Click Here to go to BlueHost website.

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